Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Hammond, IN

You Want Answers? We’ve Got Them!

If you want to remain informed about your oral health, it’s important that you ask questions and receive clear answers from trustworthy professionals, right? At United Dental Centers of Hammond, Dr. Fried and our team believe in taking the time to listen and deliver honest and reliable solutions. We also strive to keep you informed about dental health and what you can expect when visiting our office, which is why we’ve provided the answers to some of the most frequently asked dentistry questions in Hammond below. If you do not see yours listed, feel free to call our dental office.

Is It Necessary to See a Dentist Every Six Months?

Yes, you should plan to see your dentist every six months for a regular dental checkup and teeth cleaning. These appointments serve as preventive steps in helping you avoid tooth decay, gum disease, cavities, and even oral cancer. With complete examinations and thorough cleanings, we can help keep your teeth and gums cavity-free while also offering tips to reduce your risk for other serious oral health problems.

Will It Hurt to Receive Dental Implants?

No, the actual procedure required for placing dental implants should not cause you any pain. The reason is that our in-house periodontist will administer local anesthesia beforehand to ensure you remain pain-free and comfortable. Once the process is complete, and the anesthesia wears off, you can expect there to be some soreness and minimal discomfort; however, this can be remedied with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Will My Veneers Look Natural?

When working with a trusted cosmetic dentist, you will never need to worry about your veneers looking natural. Because of the skilled hands and artistic eyes of our dentists, you can expect beautiful results once each veneer is firmly in place. We know there are too many practices that do not adhere to high-quality standards, but at United Dental Centers of Hammond, we ensure you are pleased with the results we provide.

Can I Bring My Child in for Dental Treatment?

Yes! We love taking care of young smiles, as we believe children and teens deserve a successful start on their oral healthcare journeys. Offering kid-friendly dental services, you can entrust that we will closely monitor their oral growth and development to ensure their teeth, gums, and bite do not develop problems along the way. And if they do, we have the techniques and solutions to get their smiles back on track.

What Should I Do If I Knock Out a Tooth?

When faced with a knocked-out tooth, it’s important that you get to our dental office as quickly as possible (within the hour). Keeping the tooth viable is essential if you want us to try and reimplant it. As soon as this problem occurs, retrieve the tooth and hold it only by the crown. Quickly rinse off any debris and try to reinsert it into the socket. If this is unsuccessful, simply place the tooth in a container of milk or saliva and bring it with you to your appointment.

Will You Accept My Dental Insurance?

Yes, we are in-network with many dental insurance companies and want to help you save on high-quality dental care. We will welcome your insurance plan and even go over the details with you so that you can make the right decision about your oral health. Our team will also be happy to file any claims and paperwork on your behalf to create a stress-free visit.